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Disk-Manager 2

The true MSX player will also agree that an image of each flop is sensible.
We are therefore now going to make an image, a .dsk file of the same flop on the hard disk of the pc.
That's how the previous part ended and that's what we're going to do.
First, think about how you want to keep all those images, because there will soon be a lot.
A good start is half the work.
So create maps or use the RuMSX maps as I discussed at RuMSX.
Keep an overview is the advice of someone who also has difficulty with that.
But besides all the MSX I also have about thirty Dutch, German and even recently French websites with all kinds of pictures and other files.
Think of a layout that suits you and create folders for it.
I like to work with external hard drives to keep things separate.
Maybe an external hard drive for MSX is a good idea?

Okay, let's start.
Start Disk-Manager with the flop you want to back up on PC.
I showed that in the previous part, so no more pictures of it now.
File tab ... New ... check mark at Copy data from disk ... OK
You will now see all the files that are on the flop.

You go to File ... Save as ...

At the top you now browse to the folder where you want it.
Back file name, type the desired name.
I type ... flop001
And after Save As you have choices, but we'll stick with it ... All disk images.
That comes down to the same as if you choose Disk images the choice below.
The bottom choice also turns it into a dsk file. So three times dsk Click on Save

Look in the folder and you will see your name plus the extension dsk
With me there is the traffic jam; flop001.dsk
For some time now, Size has been marked 0 kB
Don't wurry ... that takes a while and after refresh it says ...

You now have a backup of the msx flop on PC.
Moreover, you can easily make a copy of it via this .dsk file or distribute it via the internet.
But you can also start it with RuMSX and msx games you can play on PC.
If I now click on this .dsk file RuMSX opens and this dsk starts automatically.
Just like any other pc open files with the accompanying program.

Above, at Save as ... you could also have chosen ... Floppy-disk.images and then you get a flp file.
Once again! It takes a while, but then the size really changes from 0 to 360KB
As Type the flp says; Disk image (VMware)
If you click on it later, it will not open in RuMSX but with Disk-Manager.
With Disk-Manager you can do all kinds of things with that flp.
DSK is very common and you come across it very often.

Before you all ask questions.
Right now February 2, 2016 is the first time that I do all these things.
This has the advantage that I also tell the things that an experienced person would probably forget to tell you because it is self-evident to him / her.
I explore RuMSX and Disk-Manager with you.
The downside is I don't know much more than you do.
Shortly after February 2, 2016, I know little more than you anyway.
You really have to google the internet for answers.

So now I have to think about what I will discover and describe next, but first back up my own flops.
In addition, I will investigate what can be found about games and utilities
MSX is completely new to me after 16 years.
Until next time.
Hi, here I am again with a quick comment.
In my configuration with Vista 64 bits I don't get a message or anything when the dsk file of a flop is ready.
When I click on the file long afterwards, RuMSX opens, but it does nothing.
As long as you have the dsk file open in Disk Manager, you cannot start it with RuMSX anyway.
I had the suspicion that when I close Disk-Manager ... the DSK file is almost immediately ready and available to play with RuMSX.
In seconds after the command to create the DSK, I closed Disk-Manager and it turned out to be ready and available.
Maybe also if you read a new flop immediately after ... try it yourself.
You now know what can happen.
Maybe something else is happening on your pc / windows version / etc.
I will probably discover more later. I will now proceed to back up my floppies.
You can download some of those backups in the main menu next to the homepage and go to Game diskettes.
In part three we are going to make an EMPTY MSX flop to be able to put things on it ourselves.

disk-manager deel 1     disk-manager deel 3